Who knew you could celebrate a feast in Goa by eating 'tisreo' (clams)!

Goa's 'Tisreachem Fest' (Feast of Clams) is one of those uniquely Goan events not to be missed...

If you've always wanted to see how Goans celebrate their unique, local feasts, where the whole community comes together, then this episode of Goan Appetit is sure to give you great insights.

Feasts are celebrated all over Goa, and Goans don't need a reason to celebrate. But here, in the village of Nerul, the members of the Bhatti ward get together to celebrate an interesting 'feast of clams'.

Nerul was once famous for it delicious local clams, which were found in abundance here, and were greatly enjoyed by the people.

In thanksgiving for the bounty, the community would come together once a year, prepare a special dish using clams (called Tisreachem Sukhem), hold a litany in the evening, and relish the preparation with their family, neighbours, and near and dear ones.

This video is sure to take you on a nostalgic trip down memory lane, where you can experience one of Goa's unique traditional feasts.

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