Shacks are the special flowers in Goa’s tourism garland

In Goa’s long tourism journey, it is the shacks that have been leaving good footprints in the sands of time and change
JE NE SAIS QUOI: Shacks are one of those things that give Goa a certain special flavour.
JE NE SAIS QUOI: Shacks are one of those things that give Goa a certain special flavour.Photo: Augusto Rodrigues
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With the Department of Tourism declaring that provisional licenses will be issued to shack owners to start erecting their structures, and the surge in tourist arrivals during the extended Independence Day weekend, the week ended with a happy splash of colour.

Early to bed is early to rise, and leaves many with time to act wisely. The structures on which shacks are built are not the best, though it is the shacks that are one of the lights that bring sparkle to the industry.

Shacks have been, and are, the special flowers in the tourism garland from the time tourism in Goa earned its special flavour.

JE NE SAIS QUOI: Shacks are one of those things that give Goa a certain special flavour.
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The concept of beach shacks emerged when the hippies decided to make Goa their home, and thus began the State’s sojourn with the industry. In the early years, shacks had roofs made of plain thatched coconut leaves to provide some respite from the sun.

A few tables and chairs were laid out below this. Some places had hammocks and beer and cold drinks stored in buckets or containers with ice to be served chilled to foreigners after they had finished their splash in the sea.

Some places had hammocks and beer and cold drinks stored in buckets or containers with ice to be served chilled to foreigners after they had finished their splash in the sea.

Everything was basic, but served with the essence of Goa – a lovely smile and the genuine will to make the customer feel at home, away from the tiny room they were staying in.

A radio was part of the paraphernalia in a few shacks, and slowly the cassette player replaced it with foreigners sharing the cassettes, of music from home, which they brought along with them.

At that time, chips were sold, and was the favourite item on the menu, and still is.

JE NE SAIS QUOI: Shacks are one of those things that give Goa a certain special flavour.
Setting up shacks on Goa's beaches made easy

Shacks have evolved through time, and in certain coastal areas, shacks have been given the allure of clubs, with loud music being the essence. They have their own pros and cons, but do manage to attract a lot of Indian clientele.

Shacks came to life late last season, and it drew the ire of many tourists, especially the foreigners who came in early and had to leave without enjoying the comfort that shacks offer.

Shacks came to life late last season, and it drew the ire of many tourists, especially the foreigners who came in early and had to leave without enjoying the comfort that shacks offer.

Instead of October, most shacks were given life late in December – a time when tourism hits its peak in the State. First, there was a delay in drawing lots for who should be allowed to set up shacks, and then, a delay in issuing associated licenses.

Since shacks are allotted for a period of three years, the bottleneck of having to wait to see who wins the draw to run shacks has been bypassed this year, and therefore, the way forward should be easier.

JE NE SAIS QUOI: Shacks are one of those things that give Goa a certain special flavour.
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Those who won permissions to operate shacks last season are happy with the recent decision of the Department of Tourism that provisional licenses to design the frills will be issued early, but are still wary of the other permissions required.

There is talk about the need to have a single window for the remaining licenses, and the feasibility still appears blurred because Goa is a place where many want to try the forbidden apple.

Those who won permissions to operate shacks last season are happy with the recent decision of the Department of Tourism that provisional licenses to design the frills will be issued early, but are still wary of the other permissions required.

Tourism appears naked without shacks and will continue to look that way because through time, they have been able to draw all sections of tourists, with even domestic tourists beginning to like spending time in shacks despite the fact that they love to maintain the colour of their skin.

A skin tan is something that makes most Indians think twice, and shacks today protect them from being tanned, and are therefore patronised, although, more at night than during the day. And, that is one reason why shacks today are designed as nightclubs despite CRZ restrictions.

JE NE SAIS QUOI: Shacks are one of those things that give Goa a certain special flavour.
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In the beginning, as it has been said, most shacks used to shut shop after sunset as there was no electricity, and therefore, no refrigeration. Shacks were family-run units, many still are, but a majority have employed people from the rest of the country.

Like most things related to tourism, the taste of the industry is swivelling towards the demands, and having shacks during the start of the season is one such demand. That the Department of Tourism has understood this will leave good footprints in the sands of change.

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