Goa needs to offer safe and convenient tourism

Improvements in certain areas, some of which can be implemented before the next tourist season, could boost tourism in Goa
CHA-CHING: While mining, agriculture and fisheries contribute little to Goa's economy, it is tourism and related activities that help rake in the moolah.
CHA-CHING: While mining, agriculture and fisheries contribute little to Goa's economy, it is tourism and related activities that help rake in the moolah. Photo: Augusto Rodrigues
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Goa’s economics and employment largely depend on mining, tourism, the hospitality sector, agriculture and fisheries. For some years, mining has been in the doldrums, while agriculture and fisheries do not contribute substantially.

Hence, tourism and related activities help rake in the moolah. Most tourists are generally not choosy or fussy since they stay in Goa for two to four days, visit a few places, and enjoy the seafood and the warmth of the locals.

CHA-CHING: While mining, agriculture and fisheries contribute little to Goa's economy, it is tourism and related activities that help rake in the moolah.
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Goa has several types of tourism: beach, water sports (parasailing, speed boats, windsurfing, jet skiing), spiritual (temples, churches, dargahs), adventure (whitewater rafting, canoeing, hiking, trekking, snorkelling), hinterland and eco-tourism, visits to exotic waterfalls during the monsoons, river cruises, casinos, ‘medical’ tourism (whatever that means!) and many more.

But, in all these activities, the tourists, operators and authorities tend to be casual on safety requirements and access to conveniences. Certain improvements could boost tourism and help it gain a stronger foothold in Goa.  

In all these activities, the tourists, operators and authorities tend to be casual on safety requirements and access to conveniences. Certain improvements could boost tourism and help it gain a stronger foothold in Goa.  


Transport is poor within most of the State – with private-run buses in run-down conditions, with the exception of the recently-inducted EV buses.

Private buses do not issue tickets, drivers and conductors do not wear uniforms, they have erratic timings, stop every few metres to pick up passengers, do not ply to Dabolim and Manohar International Airports, and so forth.

CHA-CHING: While mining, agriculture and fisheries contribute little to Goa's economy, it is tourism and related activities that help rake in the moolah.
Smart EV bus ride around Panjim @ just under Rs 25!

In general, the last mile connectivity is missing with very few buses that ply late in the night.

Since the taxi and autorickshaw drivers charge a bomb even for short distances, tourists prefer rental cars and two-wheelers. Though these are cheaper to hire, accidents are frequent due to drunken driving, tourists not knowing the lay of the roads or they carry out stunts with the vehicles.

In general, the last mile connectivity is missing with very few buses that ply late in the night. Since the taxi and autorickshaw drivers charge a bomb even for short distances, tourists prefer rental cars and two-wheelers.


In Goa, there is no dearth of accommodation whether inns, homestays, hotels, villas, guest houses, dormitories or service apartments. Yet, in the peak season, there is a paucity of rooms and this has to be looked into.

For safety reasons, the government needs to encourage tourists to stay in registered places that have CCTV cameras, and security guards so that there is accountability. The credentials of the owners and caretakers needs to be vetted and verified.

CHA-CHING: While mining, agriculture and fisheries contribute little to Goa's economy, it is tourism and related activities that help rake in the moolah.
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Not only for tourists, but for the locals, too, the roads need to be motorable with minimum or no potholes (that’s a dream!). Footpaths should be walkable without the fear of pedestrians twisting their ankles or tripping over loose or missing pavers.

Street lights should be in working condition, and the lights could be powered by solar panels.

Footpaths should be walkable without the fear of pedestrians twisting their ankles or tripping over loose or missing pavers. Street lights should be in working condition, and the lights could be powered by solar panels.


Since tourists like to enjoy boat rides and water sports, there has to be provision for sufficient life jackets and ropes. Most importantly, the boats should not be overloaded.

For adventure tourism, safety gear and first-aid boxes need to be available and the guides trained in CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) techniques.

Erection of warning and cautionary boards are essential to inform about rough seas, rip currents, no-swim zones, falling rocks, wild animals, not to cook or smoke in forest areas, banning carrying or consumption of alcohol on beaches, when visiting waterfalls and in the forests.

CHA-CHING: While mining, agriculture and fisheries contribute little to Goa's economy, it is tourism and related activities that help rake in the moolah.
Visiting Goa during the monsoons? Tips for a safe and awesome trip

Mention has to be made of liable penalties and imprisonment for those who break the rules.

The number of lifeguards has to be increased so as to cover most of the beaches.

Similarly, trained life savers have to be posted in places where hinterland tourism happens. There has to be an emergency number that works 24×7 to help people in distress.

Erection of warning and cautionary boards are essential to inform about rough seas, rip currents, no-swim zones, falling rocks, wild animals, not to cook or smoke in forest areas, banning carrying or consumption of alcohol on beaches, when visiting waterfalls and in the forests.


The government could recruit and create a separate tourist police force to oversee the touristy places, monitor the visitors, and check for rash and drunken driving.

People, on seeing a cop, would tend to behave properly and be less unruly. Obviously, the cops need to be people-friendly, courteous, but firm in their decisions.

CHA-CHING: While mining, agriculture and fisheries contribute little to Goa's economy, it is tourism and related activities that help rake in the moolah.
When enjoying Goa’s beaches, beware of rip currents


In most touristy places, there is a lack of amenities such as washrooms, changing rooms and cloak rooms to deposit belongings when people want to go for a swim or a ride.

Free and safe drinking water facilities should be installed.

Wherever space is available, restrooms could be built with fans and chairs and nominally charged for use. Coloured bins for degradable, non-degradable and recyclable materials could be strategically placed for people to dispose used items.

Offenders should be fined and made to pick up the waste and dispose it off properly.


The tourism season is around the corner, and the authorities still have time to undertake, complete and implement several of the above suggestions.

Instead of aiming to bring in high-spending or foreign tourists, which is easier said than done, it is time that the government realise that domestic and middle- to upper-middle families spend more of their hard-earned money within a span of two to four days.

When they go back happy, one can expect repeat visitors and word-of-mouth goodwill publicity for Goa’s tourism industry.

CHA-CHING: While mining, agriculture and fisheries contribute little to Goa's economy, it is tourism and related activities that help rake in the moolah.
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It is amazing that even with the existing minimum or nil facilities, people rush to Goa. Hence, let us not kill the golden goose of tourism for lack of the much-needed and genuine facilities.

By offering safety and comfort, stakeholders associated with tourism could profit, and so would the Goa government in the way of revenue. All it takes is the willpower of the authorities and readiness to change their mindset and offer Goa as a safe and opportune tourist destination.

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