NEED FOR BALANCE: Commercial development in Goa without balancing environmental needs is a recipe for disaster.
NEED FOR BALANCE: Commercial development in Goa without balancing environmental needs is a recipe for disaster.

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The unfolding reality of the Bhutani project in Sancoale speaks of a looming environmental crisis that will change Goa forever
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Goa is under siege. This stark truth came to light when the reality of the Bhutani project in Sancoale was laid bare. A village once perceived as a serene paradise is now a facing the looming threat of rapid development, capable of disfiguring the area's natural beauty and resources.

And all this for whom? Yes, you guessed it right. It's for the pleasure of India's wealthy who have the money to splurge for good views from our virgin hills. Fortunately, the locals, under the leadership of activist priest, Fr Bolmax Pereira, have vowed to protect the land where the project was conceived some years back.

NEED FOR BALANCE: Commercial development in Goa without balancing environmental needs is a recipe for disaster.
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After a hue and cry in the media and other platforms, those who were already in the know of the project are now forced to talk. However, people are guarded and they know these men called politicians can't be trusted for beneath their words lies a web of subterfuge.

In the midst of this upheaval arises a pressing question: Will Goans stand for their brethren in Sancoale and fight with them till Bhutani is blacklisted and thrown out of Goa? It's a testing time for Goa's community spirit to protect their beloved land.

In the midst of this upheaval arises a pressing question: Will Goans stand for their brethren in Sancoale and fight with them till Bhutani is blacklisted and thrown out of Goa?

As the spectre of concretisation and commercialisation looms large over Goa in the guise of development, many other questions cross the mind. Here are two: What will become of Goa's uniqueness if such projects are allowed? Also, are we prepared to sacrifice our virgin landscapes for short-term gains?

These two questions should stir a deep sense of belonging and make us feel the ache of what lies at stake. It's not only the language, traditions and culture that define our identity, it is also the beauty of our land that counts. Losing this beauty will be like losing a part of ourselves.

NEED FOR BALANCE: Commercial development in Goa without balancing environmental needs is a recipe for disaster.
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Let us not forget the stories of tradition and culture shared by our ancestors. These stories are intricately woven into our surroundings and have evolved from the land we call home. If we don't fight for this land, then the spirits of our ancestors will linger in the air and will never be at peace.

Now is the time to ask your local leaders to stand and fight alongside you and remind them that the true mark of a leader is rooted in their people and their aspirations. It's also time for local leaders to emerge from their comforts and be the voice of their community.

Now is the time to ask your local leaders to stand and fight alongside you and remind them that the true mark of a leader is rooted in their people and their aspirations.

For Sancoalkars, it is a battle they have to fight if they are to protect their sovereignty without depending on the politicians. The reason: These are the same politicians who take vows before God and then forget them once elections are done and dusted. So, can they be trusted?

The villagers should bear in mind that the fight against Bhutani is not just for themselves, but also for those who were there before them. They should bear in mind that the ones before them nurtured the land for their future generations.

NEED FOR BALANCE: Commercial development in Goa without balancing environmental needs is a recipe for disaster.
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In this trying time, Sancoalkars should realise that their unity and love for each other matter the most if they have to take on Bhutani, which has the hidden and tacit support of those in power. That some in the government may deny this is well-understood.

The present trend in Goa speaks of profit over people or else how does one explain building projects in every village? If Bhutani is allowed to take root, it will be yet another gated community that will devour the local ethos, besides killing the greenery.

The present trend in Goa speaks of profit over people or else how does one explain building projects in every village?

After lying low for some time, the politicians have spoken about Bhutani, but the time for empty promises is over. Sancoalkars and the people of Goa deserve more than words.

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