Conscience formation at a time of systemic polarisation

We must learn from the lessons that life throws at us to grow as humans
Recent incidents in Goa indicate the conflict of ideologies and how our conscience is systemically in chaos.
Recent incidents in Goa indicate the conflict of ideologies and how our conscience is systemically in chaos.Gomantak Times
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Pope Francis constantly emphasises the importance of conscience in moral judgment. He holds that even if a person's conclusions conflict with established doctrine, they must still be followed.

He has claimed that conscience is a personal contact with truth and cannot be substituted by outside sources. 

When choosing a course of action, he advises using discernment. This entails thoughtful reflection, prayer and guidance-seeking. Thus, he stresses the crucial need to form one's conscience properly. 

He contends that doing so entails a never-ending process of gaining knowledge of and developing moral ideals. To cultivate an educated conscience, he promotes lifelong learning and introspection.

Conscience formation requires lifelong learning.
Conscience formation requires lifelong learning.Gomantak Times

Interestingly, we live in a world where we are bombarded by varied ideologies, and, unfortunately, these ideologies are causing harm not just to one particular group of people but to everyone.

Much more than that, exposure to these different ideologies confuses us and we are unable to decide what is right and wrong. 

Recent incidences happening in Goa are clear examples of the conflict of ideologies and how our conscience is systemically in chaos. We are unable to sit and discuss with each other the issues that affect us. 

We shy away from taking a stand for our needy poor and marginalised brethren. Instead of appreciating the plurality we are blessed with in Goa, we are focused on creating polarised opinions. 

Recent incidents in Goa indicate the conflict of ideologies and how our conscience is systemically in chaos.
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Activists making derogatory remarks, murders happening every second day, recruitment scams, environmental destruction, issues like that of the rehabilitation of the Curdi villagers, etc, are evidence enough that we have allowed our conscience to become spiritually and intellectually stunted. 

We ought to prioritise the needs of the poor and the marginalised in our decision-making processes, and this will happen if we safeguard our conscience and help it form well.

We will be motivated by our formed conscience to do activities that advance social justice, solidarity, harmony and the welfare of all members of society. 

Activists making derogatory remarks, murders happening every second day, recruitment scams, environmental destruction, issues like that of the rehabilitation of the Curdi villagers, etc, are evidence enough that we have allowed our conscience to become spiritually and intellectually stunted. 

Take into account your personal priorities, your sense of right and wrong and the kind of person you hope to become.
Take into account your personal priorities, your sense of right and wrong and the kind of person you hope to become. Gomantak Times

I recall again that the emphasis of Pope Francis is on mercy and compassion when dealing with people whose conscience causes them to make poor judgments.

He thinks sensitivity is necessary. Instead of passing judgment, he places more emphasis on the roles of accompaniment and understanding.

It is also time that we work on forming our conscience.

Spend some time thinking about your ideals, values and beliefs. Take into account your personal priorities, your sense of right and wrong and the kind of person you hope to become. 

Recent incidents in Goa indicate the conflict of ideologies and how our conscience is systemically in chaos.
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Learn about different moral and ethical systems, religious doctrines, philosophical viewpoints and cultural conventions. You can use this deeper awareness to analyse and hone your own beliefs. 

Speak to people who come from different backgrounds and cultures. An exposure to multiple perspectives can make your presumptions more difficult to justify and aid in the formation of a more rounded conscience. 

Recent incidents in Goa indicate the conflict of ideologies and how our conscience is systemically in chaos.
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Find people that personify the traits you value and admire. Consider how their judgments and behaviours line up with your own developing conscience as you learn from their actions and choices. 

Develop your capacity for critical thought to help you comprehend the guiding ideals and possible outcomes of your decisions; analyse complex situations; moral quandaries; and ethical difficulties. 

By attempting to appreciate and share the sentiments of others, one can develop empathy. A strong conscience must include compassion. Weigh your choices and behaviours to make sure consistent with your basic principles.

Consider the possible causes of any inconsistencies you find and whether any adjustments are required.

While receiving advice from others is helpful, you are ultimately accountable for the decisions you make and the values you uphold. Embrace integrity by matching your words and deeds to your principles, especially when it's difficult. 
Recent incidents in Goa indicate the conflict of ideologies and how our conscience is systemically in chaos.
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Consult with mentors, dependable friends, spiritual authorities or advisors who can offer direction and perspective while you work through moral and ethical conundrums. Your conscience is not static; it changes as you grow older, gain more knowledge and experience. 

Be prepared to review your beliefs and make changes in light of fresh information and experiences. Understand that developing your conscience is a personal process. 

While receiving advice from others is helpful, you are ultimately accountable for the decisions you make and the values you uphold. Embrace integrity by matching your words and deeds to your principles, especially when it's difficult. 

Keep in mind that developing your conscience is a lifetime process.
Keep in mind that developing your conscience is a lifetime process.Gomantak Times

Building character and self-respect involves acting in accordance with your conscience. Keep in mind that developing your conscience is a lifetime process. As you navigate difficulties and uncertainties, practice patience with yourself. This procedure will inevitably involve mistakes and growth opportunities.

We need to be students of this teacher called life. As harmonious as we have always been, let us continue to walk together as brothers and sisters allowing a dialogical development of our conscience.      

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