5 reasons to shop at this bookstore in Panjim

Broadway Book Store, a haven for bookworms, offers something for every curious mind
ALWAYS WELCOME: Khali Ahmed's smile adds to the welcoming atmosphere at Broadway.
ALWAYS WELCOME: Khali Ahmed's smile adds to the welcoming atmosphere at Broadway.Photo: Roxanne D'silva
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A curious silence hangs in the air as one enters the Broadway Book Store at  St Inez in Panjim. The bookstore is among the cherished spaces the capital city has to offer both, visitors and locals. 

This is one of the largest and oldest bookstores in Panjim. The towering shelves of this bookstore are crammed with novels, biographies, and travelogues. Also, a dedicated children's section bursts with colour, while cookbooks beckon along with history books. 

ALWAYS WELCOME: Khali Ahmed's smile adds to the welcoming atmosphere at Broadway.
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On entering the store, you are greeted by the warm staff and the owner, Khalil Ahmed, who will go out of their way to ensure you get what you are looking for.

Started by Ahmed, the bookstore has been in operation since 2003. There are around 60,000 to 70,000 books in different genres that cater to all age groups.

BIBLIOPHILE KINGDOM: The store has countless option of books to choose from.
BIBLIOPHILE KINGDOM: The store has countless option of books to choose from. Photo: Roxanne D'silva

Over the years, Broadway has become more than just a store; it's a community hub. Book lovers gather here, authors hold signings, and it's a familiar haunt for students and bibliophiles alike.

When asked about the response to his bookstore in the age of e-readers and downloads, Ahmed says there's a magic to physical bookstores that the digital world can't replicate.

No matter how much the world gets digitised, the feeling of holding a hardcover book and the scent of fresh pages is an experience an iPad can't replicate

However, he admits that the digital world has affected his business, but "there are people who prefer holding a physical copy." There's a certain appreciation you get from feeling the weight of the book in your hands, he adds.

No matter how much the world gets digitised, the feeling of holding a hardcover book and the scent of fresh pages is an experience an iPad can't replicate, says Ahmed.

And, that's precisely the reason why people come to this bookstore. Read on to know, why: 

IMMERSIVE FEELING:  Turning the pages and feeling the thickness of a book means a lot to many.
IMMERSIVE FEELING: Turning the pages and feeling the thickness of a book means a lot to many. Photo: Abigail Crasto


The bookstore is a one-stop shop for all book lovers. The approximately 70,000 thousand books on the shelves can cater to your book craving and if you are looking for any specific copy, then you have the option of placing an order. Broadway will ensure you get the book at no extra cost.

ALWAYS WELCOME: Khali Ahmed's smile adds to the welcoming atmosphere at Broadway.
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Whether you're a budding artist seeking a new colouring book, a thrill-seeker yearning for the latest James Patterson mystery, or a student seeking academic guidance, Broadway Book Store has you covered. Their shelves overflow with genres for every age and taste, ensuring there's always a new adventure waiting to be discovered.

A GREAT DRAW: The dedicated space for children at the bookstore.
A GREAT DRAW: The dedicated space for children at the bookstore. Photo: Roxanne D'silva

The store never loses an opportunity to celebrate local talents! There are shelves dedicated to works by Goan authors, offering a unique perspective on the State's history and culture. Also, one can relive their childhood by delving into the stack of nostalgic Tinkle comics and diving into the world of Archie.

ALWAYS WELCOME: Khali Ahmed's smile adds to the welcoming atmosphere at Broadway.
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Throughout the year, the store offers a 50 per cent discount on a wide selection of books. So no matter when you step into the store, you can always walk out with a discount and your favourite book in hand. The store ensures you leave the store with a smile on your face.

ALWAYS WELCOME: Khali Ahmed's smile adds to the welcoming atmosphere at Broadway.
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Broadway Book Store goes out of its way to promote Goan talent, and this fact can be seen from the 300 books by local authors it has published.

One can also immerse in the cultural history of Goa or discover its artistic soul through sketchbooks by famous Goan artists. Whether you're a local resident or a curious visitor, you're sure to discover a hidden gem that will deepen your understanding and appreciation for Goa.

LIBARY ON WHEELS: Broadway's library on wheels encourages children to take up reading.
LIBARY ON WHEELS: Broadway's library on wheels encourages children to take up reading. Photo: Roxanne D'silva


A new addition to the bookstore is a library on wheels which was recently stated around six months ago by Ahmed‘s son. The library on wheels, which is aimed at encouraging young children to take up reading, travels to various schools and colleges.

The mobile library and the bookstore contribute to Panjim's vibrant literary scene, each catering to different aspects of the reading experience. The philosophy at Broadway permeates the very essence of the store -- knowledge is power.  

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