What's new on Goa’s 'tiatr' scene?

After a hiatus of almost two years, brought on by the Covid pandemic, Goa’s 'tiatr' scene is showing signs of life again
Following a gap of nearly two years, 'tiatr' fans can enjoy this local form of entertainment once again
Following a gap of nearly two years, 'tiatr' fans can enjoy this local form of entertainment once againGomantak Times
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After a gap of almost two years, the topmost commercial directors of the Konkani stage have taken a plunge by releasing their new productions at Easter. There are around ten new tiatrs lined up for presentation in villages and cities across Goa during the summer vacation this year.

On account of the Covid scare, people were, and still are, hesitant to step out of their houses for entertainment purposes. All the same, the audiences, especially tiatr lovers, are hungry for some sort of amusement, and desire to be entertained and find relaxation after the daily grind at home and in the workplace.

Several 'tiatr' have been lined up for the 'tiatr'-lovers this summer
Several 'tiatr' have been lined up for the 'tiatr'-lovers this summerGomantak Times


After all the efforts put in, and the risks taken, whether the directors will taste success in the new releases is a different story. But, as before, they wish to provide live entertainment on stage through drama, songs and comedy, and satisfy the entertainment-hungry crowd.

The new releases for this summer include Prince Jacob’s tiatr ‘Apunn Apnank Dev Somestank’, Roseferns’ 99th production ‘Jevnnant Fator’, Mario Menezes’ tiatr ‘Thank You’, Menino de Bandar’s tiatr ‘Besanv Na Pesanv’, Willy Silveira’s production ‘Silence’, Aleixin de Morjim’s tiatr ‘Kochro’, John D’Silva’s tiatr ‘Doiall’, Pascoal de Chicalim’s production ‘Hanv Goemcho Saiba’, comedian Selvy’s tiatr ‘8 Dis’ and comedian Sally’s production ‘Mhaka Ghoddlam Tem’.

“Had it not been for the pandemic,” said noted tiatr director, Roseferns, “my productions would have touched the century mark.” With cases on the decline, he stepped forward and came out with his 98th production recently and was successful in completing 25 shows.

“When you come out with a new production,” stated Roseferns, who has released his 99th production, “there’s always a risk. But, as a director, you cannot sit back at home. You have to work out a strategy, which will satisfy the audience with maximum entertainment.” “By doing so,” he adds, “you too enjoy the benefits and returns.”


With regards to shows running to a full house in city auditoriums, Roseferns is skeptical and not quite sure about its success, but he feels proud to mention that he has received several bookings for his new show in villages across the state.

“Be it for feasts or any festive occasion in the villages,” the senior director shared his experience, “village folk just flock to tiatrs, and local festivity is never complete without watching a tiatr in the village. So, tiatrs may click in villages more than cities, and that may help directors to recover, to a certain extent, the cost of their production.”

Right now, with the Kala Academy auditorium (in Panjim) under renovation, the people from North Goa may not get a chance to enjoy tiatrs in the city. They will either have to come to the south and watch tiatrs at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao, or move to the villages in South Goa.

“There’s a need of another auditorium in North Goa,” stated Rafael Pereira from Fontainhas, Panjim. Being a tiatr lover, when tiatrs were regularly held at Kala Academy earlier, he would never miss watching any of them.

“But now, with the Kala Academy auditorium closed down for renovation for a long period,” Pereira lamented, “you never know when it will open for entertainment, and the general public. So the concerned authorities should work out an alternative immediately and not deprive tiatr fans of regular entertainment,” he grieved.

Till then, let’s hope for the successful running of various new productions during this summer season. And, apart from live entertainment on the tiatr stage, may the tiatr audience also find value for their ticket money!

Following a gap of nearly two years, 'tiatr' fans can enjoy this local form of entertainment once again
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