Katia Goes
Gosany refers to a community of people that move in procession and have a musical form of narrating stories of Indian saints during Shigmotsav.
Let us walk through some of the different types of musical narrations during the festival of Shigmo in Goa and understand what they mean.
Fag: Narrating the happiness that the villagers feel while performing Shigmo.
Jat: A narration of mythological stories. The text of the same depicts the very lifestyle of that particular community, neglecting the sequences of original incidents in mythical texts.
Tali: A narration requesting blessings from the deities and spirits, and demanding prosperity for the village, particularly an abundance in food grains.
Lavni: Almost like a Jat but narrating conventional stories and life values.
Pavado: Independent songs narrating incidences of historical importance that may not necessarily be related to kings or lords, but rather incidences that took place in that particular region.
Sakarat: A mythical song depicting the mystical and ritualistic experiences of a sage or similar mythological stories.