Goa’s Holy Week in a nutshell

Evelyn Siqueira

For Christians worldwide, the 40-day fasting period of Lent ends with Holy Week, better known as Povitr Satollem in Konkani.

Lent | Holy Week | Pez | Photo: Venita Gomes

The Penitential season of Lent starts with Ash Wednesday (known as Xinjecho Budhvar in Konkani) and ends with Holy Week.

Ash Wednesday | Lent | Holy Week | Photo: Rohan Fernandes

Holy week, which begins on Palm Sunday and ends with Easter Sunday, is also solemnly observed by Goa’s Catholic community.

Lent | Holy Week | Palm Sunday | Photo: Rohan Fernandes

The sixth Sunday in Lent is called Palm Sunday, or Passion Sunday (Ramamcho Aitar in Konkani). This year, Palm Sunday was on April 2, 2022.

Palm Sunday | Lent | Holy Week | Photo: Rohan Fernandes

The Thursday in Holy Week is called Maundy Thursday (Nimanno Brestar in Konkani, meaning 'last Thursday'). In Goa, the ‘Last Supper’ is enacted in churches on this day. This year, Maundy Thursday is on April 6, 2022.

On Good Friday, (Nimanno Sunkrar in Konkani, meaning ‘last Friday’), the Crucifixion of Christ is enacted in churches across the state. This year, Good Friday is on April 7, 2022.

Holy Saturday is the day after Good Friday. On this day, there are no masses in Goa’s churches. Instead, the Way of the Cross is held. At 11 pm on the same night, the Pascal Vigil is held. This year, Holy Saturday is on April 8, 2022.

Palm Sunday | Lent | Holy Week | Holy Saturday | Photo: Alrick Pereira

Holy week culminates in the Pascal Vigil, followed by Easter Sunday. This year, Easter Sunday is on April 9, 2022.

NEXT: Things to do in Goa, according to ChatGPT