Can’t shop in Goa? Shop on Amazon, instead

Evelyn Siqueira


Have you always wanted to shop in Goa, but couldn’t visit the State? Here’s are some Goan things you’ll find on Amazon India.

Goa | shopping | online


Magnets in fun shapes, beach scenery, colourful illustrations and more can be found on Amazon India.

Goa | shopping | online | magnet


Bibliophiles will be happy to know that Amazon stocks several books about Goa, and by Goan authors, such as Goa: A Daughter's Story by Maria Aurora Couto, Maker Of Modern Goa: The Untold Story of Pratapsingh Rane by Vijayadevi Rane, and Discover India: Off to Goa by Sonia Mehta.

Goa | shopping | online | books


Zantye’s has been a well-known brand of Goan cashewnuts for over half a century, and it's available on Amazon, too.

Goa | shopping | online | cashewnuts


Goa’s most famous sweet offering is bebinca. And, if you can’t visit the State to buy some, then fear not, you can always order it from Amazon.

bebinca | Goa | food | sweets | Photo: Evelyn Siqueira


If you’ve always wanted to taste Goan pork sausages and Sorpotel, but haven’t been able to find it in your neighbourhood store or market, you can always buy them from Amazon.

Goa | shopping | sausages


For those of you who are foodies, but prefer to avoid pork, there’s Xacuti, which is another Goan delicacy you’ll find on this shopping website.

Goa | food |Xacuti

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