ELDERLY CRY IN GOA: The plight of the elderly in Goa can be mitigated by creating employment opportunities for Goans in Goa.  Gomantak Times

The transformative power of intergenerational love

Fr Carlos Luis

Regrettably, observing the growing population of elderly in Goa, particularly those residing alone in palatial homes, elicits a profound sense of dismay.

It's challenging not to sympathise with the children who might have felt compelled to leave their ageing parents behind in pursuit of better opportunities elsewhere. This unfortunate decision often stems from the stark employment scenario in Goa.

The statistics from the Centre for Monitoring the Indian Economy (CMIE) paint a grim picture, indicating that as of January 2023, the unemployment rate in Goa stood at a staggering 11.6 per cent.

By April 2023, this figure had soared to 15.5 per cent and even in August 2023, it remained persistently high at 13.7 per cent. These numbers transcend mere statistical data; they embody deferred dreams, shattered aspirations and lives profoundly impacted by the harsh realities of joblessness in Goa.

These numbers transcend mere statistical data; they embody deferred dreams, shattered aspirations and lives profoundly impacted by the harsh realities of joblessness in Goa.

Challenges in accessing medical care

In the midst of this, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's pledge of free medical care for those aged 70 and above seems implausible, as the elderly may struggle to access these services without assistance, lacking someone to advocate on their behalf.

The statement sounds improbable also because it is not just about the elderly receiving medical care, it is also about being accompanied as they age in grace, and how can they, when they are left alone by their children? In other words, one needs to address the deeper issue of social isolation of the elderly.

In a world often plagued by division and discord, the recent remarks by Pope Francis on the importance of intergenerational love serve as a timely reminder of the transformative power inherent in the bonds shared between the elderly and the young.

Pope Francis's call for intergenerational love: Building bridges

Therefore, it is a must to seriously adhere to Pope Francis's message at the heart of which lies a profound insight into the essence of human relationships: the reciprocity of love between different age groups.

In a world often plagued by division and discord, the recent remarks by Pope Francis on the importance of intergenerational love serve as a timely reminder of the transformative power inherent in the bonds shared between the elderly and the young.

Addressing over 6,000 participants at an event organised by the Great Age Foundation, the Pope emphasised that fostering connections across generations not only enriches individual lives but also has the potential to rejuvenate and fortify our societies as a whole.

The fundamental truth is that when love transcends generational boundaries, it has the power to heal wounds, bridge divides and uplift spirits.

The fundamental truth is that when love transcends generational boundaries, it has the power to heal wounds, bridge divides and uplift spirits. How would a government help build this love between generations? It is by seriously reflecting on alleviating social isolation of the elderly and also creating employment opportunities for Goans in Goa and helping the young to stay with their ageing parents. 

Children contemplating relocating abroad and leaving their elderly parents at home should also prioritise being in communion with their elderly parents or relatives over individualism, by brainstorming innovative methods to support their older relatives. Therefore, the Pope's appeal to embrace intergenerational affection holds significant relevance in a society characterised by growing individualistic tendencies and societal divisions.

In a time when technology frequently erects barriers rather than fostering connections between different age groups, the significance of nurturing meaningful bonds between the young and the elderly cannot be emphasised enough.

Through establishing environments for shared activities and fostering mutual comprehension, we can address the prevalent feelings of loneliness and isolation experienced by many individuals, particularly the elderly.

Implications of neglecting intergenerational relationships

Moreover, Pope Francis astutely highlights the societal implications of neglecting intergenerational relationships. He warns against the dangers of a culture that prioritises individualism and self-reliance over communal solidarity and mutual support. Indeed, when we fail to recognise the inherent value of every member of society, regardless of age or background, we risk perpetuating a cycle of alienation and marginalisation that undermines the fabric of our communities.

We fail to recognise the inherent value of every member of society, regardless of age or background, we risk perpetuating a cycle of alienation and marginalisation that undermines the fabric of our communities.

Reaffirming the value of every generation

The Pope's message also carries profound implications for the future of our societies. By affirming the intrinsic worth of every generation and the wisdom that comes from shared experiences, he challenges us to rethink our notions of progress and success.

In a world that often equates value with youth and productivity, the elderly are all too often relegated to the margins of society, their voices silenced and their contributions overlooked. Yet, as Pope Francis reminds us, it is precisely through the wisdom and perspective of the elderly that we can navigate the complexities of the modern world with greater clarity and insight.

In a culture obsessed with youth and vitality, we are often quick to dismiss the wisdom that comes with age, forgetting that true enlightenment transcends the boundaries of time and space.

Spiritual dimensions of intergenerational love

Furthermore, the Pope's emphasis on the importance of intergenerational love as a source of wisdom and renewal speaks to the deeper spiritual dimensions of human existence. In a culture obsessed with youth and vitality, we are often quick to dismiss the wisdom that comes with age, forgetting that true enlightenment transcends the boundaries of time and space.

By honouring the wisdom of our elders and embracing the vitality of youth, we can tap into a wellspring of collective knowledge and inspiration that has the power to transform our lives and our world.

Creating a compassionate and inclusive society

Pope Francis's message on the transformative power of intergenerational love serves as a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of the human experience.

By fostering meaningful connections across generations, we can create a more compassionate, resilient and inclusive society—one where every individual is valued, cherished and empowered to contribute to the common good.

By fostering meaningful connections across generations, we can create a more compassionate, resilient and inclusive society—one where every individual is valued, cherished and empowered to contribute to the common good. Let us commit ourselves to building a world where love knows no bounds and where the wisdom of the past guides us towards a brighter future for generations to come.

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