MONSOON MOMENTS: In Goa, the pouring rain of the monsoon season is synonymous with 'feni', piping hot cups of coffee and the re-opening of schools, among other things. Photo: Gomantak Times

Mushy monsoon musings as clouds burst over Goa

Augusto Rodrigues

The new academic year started today and the clouds burst, bringing in showers that normally accompany the first day of school. It may be a coincidence or just a divine pattern that in Goa, it rains on the day when schools reopen.

Children are the epitome of innocence – the line of goodness – and hence, it is no surprise that they are shielded from the heat, on their first day out in school, by nature.

The first rains on school opening day normally announce the arrival of the monsoons in Goa, and with that, follows the greenery. Goa is normally green, but the rains add an extra magic to that colour.

The monsoons, apart from being the time of going back to school, was also a time when tourism stakeholders took a break from their hectic routine, the fisherfolk rested, and except for football, all indoor games boards came off the shelves.

It was also the time for the caju bottle to take premium space.

The monsoons, apart from being the time of going back to school, was also a time when tourism stakeholders took a break from their hectic routine, the fisherfolk rested, and except for football, all indoor games boards came off the shelves.

Lightning and thunder are part of the feel, and both can be exciting and scary depending on an individual’s inner strength. Personally, good people have no fear whilst the not-so-good, begin to look back at their past.

Those who believe in God begin to converse more with Him; those who are not sure there is a God, begin to wonder whether they are treading the wrong path; and the atheist starts blaming everyone else, but himself.

The streets on school days have a new life – one spiced with the presence of children and parents dropping them to school – a home without walls of one big motorised family.

“Take care, my love”, “Enjoy yourself”, “Miss you, Baby” are some phrases heard as parents drop their kids to school, and they reinvest hope that humanity has not totally surrendered to greed – love still triumphs.

Goa seems to be up for change this monsoon, based on last year’s experiences, where tourism stakeholders will have little respite as there is no such thing as 'season' for tourists from within the country.

As one sips coffee, raindrops can be heard falling on metallic roof tops, the mind moves from the past to the present, where the bite of the monsoon magic appears to have spread far into the country.

Goa seems to be up for change this monsoon, based on last year’s experiences, where tourism stakeholders will have little respite as there is no such thing as 'season' for tourists from within the country.

An Indian likes to travel, whether it rains, snows or the sun shines brightly. He will travel as long as there is transport to take him to his destination and if none of these are there, he will drive!

Goa received many tourists from across India during the last monsoon and the story is expected to continue this year with more chapters expected to be added.

Tourism is an industry and that means more money – the more, the merrier, as long as the meaning is not tarnished.

Goa received many tourists from across India during the last monsoon and the story is expected to continue this year with more chapters expected to be added.

When it rains, the mining and quarry pits in Goa fill up and it lends extra layers of beauty, which is most of the times very tempting. Folks tend to jump into these water lagoons.

Until mining started, Lamgao in Bicholim was one such place. Oooh! Water, water, fresh water everywhere, and alongside the fresh water bodies one saw empty bottles of alcohol, an indication that people had been there!

Somehow, alcohol has a link with water. Be it going to the beach or spring or to these natural bodies, many appear to need a drink before their tryst with water, and many times, it leads to loss of life.

The link between drinking before enjoying nature is confusing because nature is best experienced naturally – the best high. Therefore, this is the time for tourists visiting Goa, during the rains, to be careful whilst venturing into these natural bodies during the rains.

When it rains, the mining and quarry pits in Goa fill up and it lends extra layers of beauty, which is most of the times very tempting. Folks tend to jump into these water lagoons.

The mining pits and the stone quarries that get filled during the rains are deep.

So, unless one is a professional swimmer, the risks are high because there are no lifeguards around, and when danger pops its head, the dearest turn theirs away because each one’s life is precious to himself, or herself, and selfless people are turning extinct.

Instead, sit in your balcony watching the fury of the rain, and let the fury of the caju send your mind into a tumble. And, if you are a teetotaler, discover goodness in the rain's fury.

Remember, social media will never capture the spirit of the rains.

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