IT'S A STEAL: Through persuasive communication and false promises, fraudsters swindle unsuspecting victims, leaving them financially devastated. Photo: Gomantak Times

In this age of deception, protect yourself against scams

Fr Carlos Luis

In an era marked by technological advancements and inter-connectedness, the threat of scams and frauds looms larger than ever. Recently, in an unfortunate case, I too had a scary experience of a fraudster trying to trick me.

On May 6, 2024, I received a call from a certain phone number, purportedly from a well-known courier company's Mumbai branch. The caller identified himself as Sandesh, and claimed that a package addressed to me had arrived at Mumbai Airport.

According to him, the parcel originated from Thailand and contained five passports, four credit cards, 140 grams of mephedrone and 40 kg of clothes.

As the parcel contained illegal contents, he asked me to file a report at Mumbai Crime Branch either online or in person.

When I chose to file a report online, he transferred my call immediately to another person, who said that he was a surveillance officer.

When I narrated the details, the person started accusing me of money laundering, human trafficking and transporting drugs.

Thankfully, some loopholes in the conversation I had with them, through a normal call and later through Skype, made me realise that they were fraudsters and therefore, I replied to them in a way that they couldn't but give up on their tricks with me.

But unfortunately, on the next day, I read in the newspapers that a senior official from a prestigious organisation in Mumbai had fallen prey to the parcel scam which definitely underscores the importance of vigilance and awareness in safeguarding oneself against deceptive practices.

These incidents serve as cautionary tales, shedding light on the methods employed by fraudsters, and the devastating consequences of misplaced trust.

These incidents serve as cautionary tales, shedding light on the methods employed by fraudsters, and the devastating consequences of misplaced trust.

The modus operandi of these fraudsters is as intricate as it is insidious. In the case of the senior CBI officer, the perpetrator masqueraded as a Delhi crime branch officer, exploiting the victim's trust in authority figures.

By providing seemingly legitimate details such as the victim's name and Aadhaar card number, the fraudster effectively established credibility, laying the groundwork for the deception that followed.

Through a series of coercive tactics, including threats of arrest and intimidation, the victim was coerced into parting with a substantial sum of money under the guise of resolving a fabricated crisis.

Similarly, the case involving the 74-year-old priest from a church in Powai exemplifies how fraudsters capitalise on vulnerability and misinformation.

Posing as an employee of the Department of Telecommunications, the perpetrator preyed upon the victim's lack of familiarity with technological intricacies, exploiting his trust in purported authority figures.

Through persuasive communication and false promises, the fraudster succeeded in swindling a significant amount of money from the unsuspecting victim, leaving him financially and emotionally devastated.

Through a series of coercive tactics, including threats of arrest and intimidation, the victim was coerced into parting with a substantial sum of money under the guise of resolving a fabricated crisis.

These incidents highlight the pervasive nature of parcel scams and the urgent need for proactive measures to combat them.

At the heart of this issue lies a fundamental breach of trust, wherein individuals are manipulated into divulging sensitive information and parting with their hard-earned money under false pretences.

In the face of such deceit, it is imperative for society to collectively prioritise ethical conduct, and empower individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to protect themselves against fraud.

Education emerges as a potent weapon in the fight against parcel scams, enabling individuals to recognise red flags and exercise caution in their interactions with unknown entities.

By fostering a culture of scepticism and critical thinking, individuals can fortify themselves against the deceptive tactics employed by fraudsters, thereby reducing the likelihood of falling victim to their schemes.

Platforms for disseminating information and raising awareness about common scams and frauds play a pivotal role in this regard, equipping individuals with the insights needed to navigate the digital landscape safely and responsibly.

At the heart of this issue lies a fundamental breach of trust, wherein individuals are manipulated into divulging sensitive information and parting with their hard-earned money under false pretences.

Moreover, collaboration between law enforcement agencies, regulatory bodies and private enterprises is essential in mitigating the proliferation of parcel scams and holding perpetrators accountable for their actions.

By enhancing coordination and sharing intelligence, stakeholders can effectively disrupt fraudulent operations and dismantle criminal networks, thereby deterring future instances of deception.

Additionally, stringent enforcement of existing laws and regulations, coupled with the implementation of robust cybersecurity measures, serves as a deterrent against fraudulent activities, safeguarding the integrity of digital transactions and preserving public trust in online platforms.

Beyond regulatory interventions, fostering a culture of empathy and solidarity within communities is paramount in supporting victims of parcel scams and alleviating the emotional and financial toll inflicted upon them.

By offering support services and resources tailored to the needs of victims, society can foster resilience and facilitate their recovery from the trauma of exploitation.

Empowering victims to speak out against injustice and seek redressal not only helps restore their sense of agency, but also sends a clear message to fraudsters that their actions will not go unpunished. 

By enhancing coordination and sharing intelligence, stakeholders can effectively disrupt fraudulent operations and dismantle criminal networks, thereby deterring future instances of deception.

Parcel scams and other such cyber scams represent a pervasive threat to individuals’ financial security and well-being, undermining trust and integrity in the digital age.

By prioritising ethical conduct, promoting awareness and fostering collaboration among stakeholders, society can collectively combat fraud and uphold the principles of honesty and transparency.

Together, let us strive to create a safer and more trustworthy environment for all, where deception has no place and trust is valued above all else.

When it comes to parcel scams and cyber criminals, here are some things to consider: 

  • Be wary of unknown callers

  • Avoid suspicious links

  • Don't act in haste

  • Gather information

  • Consult with trusted individuals before making any transactions

  • Look out for suspicious messages

  • Parcel scams often lack details about the package, are vague, and may include spelling errors

  • Use secure payment methods

  • Keep your information secure

  • Don't pay fees or share sensitive information

  • Don't download untrusted apps

If you've been a victim of cyber fraud, you can report the incident by calling the Cyber Crime Toll-Free Helpline at 1930 or registering a complaint at

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