STRAIGHT TALK: Many contemporary artistes continue to create in the Roman script, contributing to the richness of local arts. Photo: Mario Pires

Giving Konkani in the Roman script its deserving position in Goa

Fr Carlos Luis

The debate over the inclusion of Konkani in the Roman script in the Official Language Act in Goa is more than a mere linguistic preference; it is a fight for cultural identity, historical preservation and societal inclusivity.

In the backdrop of India's literary crisis, where regional languages and scripts are battling for survival, the Konkani Roman script’s recognition becomes a poignant issue.

This article delves into the significance of this inclusion, emphasising its cultural, historical and social dimensions.


The Konkani Roman script is not a recent phenomenon; it has a rich history intertwined with Goa's colonial past. Introduced by the Portuguese during their rule, the Roman script became a vital medium for Konkani literature, education and administration.

The first Konkani grammar book, written by the Jesuit missionary, Thomas Stephens in 1640, was in the Roman script, laying the foundation for its literary tradition.

The Konkani Roman script is not a recent phenomenon; it has a rich history intertwined with Goa's colonial past. Introduced by the Portuguese during their rule, the Roman script became a vital medium for Konkani literature, education and administration.

Over the centuries, it evolved as a primary script for Konkani, especially among the Catholic community in Goa.

This historical depth makes the Roman script an integral part of Goan heritage. Erasing it from official recognition would mean disregarding centuries of literary and cultural development.

Including it in the Official Language Act would honour and preserve this legacy, ensuring that future generations understand and appreciate their linguistic heritage.


Goa is a mosaic of varied communities, each contributing to its unique cultural diversity. The Konkani Roman script is a vital aspect of this diversity, predominantly used by the Catholic population.

For many Goans, the Roman script is not just a writing system, but a symbol of their cultural and religious identity. It is the script of their prayers, songs and oral traditions.

In an era where globalisation threatens local identities, such recognition helps maintain the cultural distinctiveness that defines Goa.

Recognizing the Konkani Roman script officially would be a step towards celebrating and preserving Goa’s cultural pluralism. It acknowledges the script’s role in the cultural lives of a significant portion of the population.

In an era where globalisation threatens local identities, such recognition helps maintain the cultural distinctiveness that defines Goa.


Language is a powerful tool for social inclusion. The Official Language Act's current emphasis on the Devanagari script for Konkani marginalises those who are more comfortable with the Roman script.

This linguistic exclusion can have profound social implications, creating barriers to accessing information, education and government services.

The inclusion of the Konkani Roman script would promote linguistic inclusivity, ensuring that all Goans have equal access to opportunities. It would bridge the gap between different linguistic communities, fostering a more cohesive society.

The inclusion of the Konkani Roman script would promote linguistic inclusivity, ensuring that all Goans have equal access to opportunities. It would bridge the gap between different linguistic communities, fostering a more cohesive society.

Furthermore, it would empower the younger generation who are educated in English-medium schools and are more familiar with the Roman script, ensuring they remain connected to their Konkani roots.


The current educational policies in Goa largely favour the Devanagari script, which poses a challenge for many students who are more adept in the Roman script. This mismatch between home and school languages can hinder academic performance and overall learning experiences.

Including the Konkani Roman script in the official framework would allow educational institutions to adapt their curricula, making them more inclusive and reflective of the linguistic realities in Goa.

Moreover, it would encourage the production of educational materials in the Roman script, enriching the resources available for teaching and learning Konkani.

This would not only improve language proficiency but also ensure that students develop a deeper connection with their cultural heritage.

The Konkani Roman script has been a medium for a vibrant literary tradition, producing numerous works in poetry, prose and drama. Many contemporary writers and artistes continue to create in the Roman script, contributing to the richness of Konkani literature and arts.


The Konkani Roman script has been a medium for a vibrant literary tradition, producing numerous works in poetry, prose and drama. Many contemporary writers and artistes continue to create in the Roman script, contributing to the richness of Konkani literature and arts.

However, the lack of official recognition limits the dissemination and appreciation of these works.

By including the Roman script in the Official Language Act, the government would provide a much-needed boost to Konkani literature and arts. It would encourage writers and artistes to continue their work, knowing that their contributions are valued and supported.

This recognition would also attract publishers and investors, leading to a flourishing literary and artistic scene in Goa.

The inclusion of the Konkani Roman script in the Official Language Act in Goa is not merely a linguistic adjustment; it is a recognition of the State’s rich cultural heritage, an affirmation of its diverse identities and a step towards a more inclusive society.


The inclusion of the Konkani Roman script in the Official Language Act in Goa is not merely a linguistic adjustment; it is a recognition of the State’s rich cultural heritage, an affirmation of its diverse identities and a step towards a more inclusive society.

In the face of India’s literary crisis, where regional languages and scripts struggle for survival, this inclusion stands as a testament to Goa’s commitment to preserving its unique cultural and linguistic landscape.

For Goa, the fight for the Roman script is a fight for its soul, its history and its future. It is about ensuring that every Goan, regardless of their script preference, feels a sense of belonging and pride in their linguistic heritage.

By embracing both scripts, Goa can set a precedent for other states, demonstrating that linguistic diversity is not a barrier, but a strength that enriches the social and cultural fabric of a society.

The inclusion of the Konkani Roman script in the Official Language Act is a crucial step towards celebrating Goa’s linguistic diversity, preserving its cultural heritage and promoting social inclusivity.

It is a necessary move to ensure that the Konkani language, in all its forms, continues to thrive and resonate with future generations.

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