FRANKLY FRANK: Will Panjim smarten itself by May 31?

Franky Gracias

One look at Panjim and one wonders how much smarter can we get. These past months have been a saga of frustrations, inconveniences and dusty tales arising out of the Smart City works that are dragging on endlessly.

The haphazard works have also come at a price, with deaths and injuries being reported over the months. But to date, no one has been held accountable for negligence or disregarding safety measures, while Panjim MLA Babush Monserrate and his Mayor son Rohit continue to hold sway over the capital city and the Corporation of the City of Panaji.

Even though both may not be directly involved in the project's daily operations, they cannot be completely absolved of the mess that has been created in Panjim. Babush had made a promise and so he has to deliver. Or else, why promise?

The MLA is on record stating that all Smart City works will be put to rest by May 31, 2024. However, it doesn't look like the project will be completed in all respects by this date, even though there may be attempts to do so by resorting to cosmetic fixes.

The Panjim MLA is on record stating that all Smart City works will be put to rest by May 31, 2024. However, it doesn't look like the project will be completed in all respects by this date

The low voter turnout in Panjim at the May 7 Lok Sabha elections is probably the citizens' stamp of disapproval against the shoddy works and the inconveniencing delay.

With May 31 nearing, the contractors may have been directed to go for superficial completion of works on some stretches. This indicates that the contractors might prioritise completing the works on time rather than their quality and durability.

Over a year of following the ongoing works, it is now clear that the project was never well-defined, what with so many contractors involved in its execution. This is precisely the reason why no responsibility has been fixed for the delay.

Panjimites are sure that their MLA will have a valid reason if the works are not completed on the scheduled date. He and his Mayor son will also have reasons and justification for the floodings that are waiting to happen in the monsoon season.

Over a year of following the ongoing works, it is now clear that the project was never well-defined, what with so many contractors involved in its execution.

And, why not, politicians always have justifications for their shortcomings. Don't they? They guarantee you the moon, but the guarantee unfortunately comes without any warranty. Even the Smart City is a project which has come without any guarantee or warranty.

There is a feeling among the citizens of Panjim that the Smart City project is falling short of expectations. The reason for this has been the lack of transparency from the beginning about the project details and its progress.

It is a known fact that politicians will find all possible ways to absolve themselves of their responsibilities when things go wrong and Babush and his son did try to do that at one point.

However, the Panjim MLA was forced to give a date of completion (May 31) when citizens bitterly complained and protested the dragging of the works. The High Court of Bombay at Goa too is now keeping a close eye on the completion of the project.

The people of Panjim can't be fooled and the MLA will have to explain to them in clear terms how the Smart City works will be completed by May 31. If people have voted him to be their MLA, then he has to show accountability till the project is completed.

The well-being of his or her constituents has to be any MLA's top priority. However, the Panjim MLA failed to advocate the needs and concerns of his voters. All that the citizens want is for the May 31 deadline to be the final one. Inconvenience is part of any project, but not this long.

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