DIVINE GUIDANCE: As we step up to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi from tomorrow, let the Lord of Wisdom guide us on the path of righteousness.  Photo: Rohan Fernandes

FRANKLY FRANK: May Ganesha’s wisdom guide Goa’s vision

Franky Gracias

As Goans, we find ourselves at a critical juncture in our lives. Our State is slipping out of control, and we are uncertain about the direction in which we want to take it.

In the narrow streets, homes, neighbourhoods, waddos and maands – the heart of Goa’s soul – there is a common conversation that revolves around the blame game and the lack of accountability. We seem to excel in pointing fingers at those in power, particularly our politicians.

The common refrain is: 'Oh, they've let us down; I should've never voted for him'. There is a sense of disappointment and anger floating around. There are some who are frustrated at the kind of lawlessness we see around. Is this the Goa we grew up in?

Those who promised us development and progress have fallen short of their commitments. From what we see around, the lack of accountability within the government speaks for itself.

Those who promised us development and progress have fallen short of their commitments.

People play a very crucial role in how governments function, but those dynamics are not evident in Goa. People must realise change begins from within, but for that to happen questions need to be asked and answered.

Do we have enough civic engagement on the current state of affairs in our sobit (beautiful) Goem (Goa)? Over the years, we have seen that this engagement withering or, in some instances, is completely lacking.

The spark that the people had for community engagement is slowly dying and in many instances it is being stifled because we have allowed those within the government to wield control over us, or many are silenced by favours granted by their political masters.

The lack of community engagement has led to Goa's degeneration because everyone works in self-interest and no one looks at the greater good. We are moving ahead bereft of vision. It's the government that's defining its own vision having its wishful and profitable agenda hidden under somewhere.

The lack of community engagement has led to Goa's degeneration because everyone works in self-interest and no one looks at the greater good.

If you look very keenly, wherever there is a deep sense of community, there is a sense of responsibility towards their ilk and surroundings. That deep sense of community and engagement is required in Goa.

The painful truth to confront these days is the political control over our lives. Political narratives that come in the form of convincing rhetoric and one that smacks of divisiveness has taken control over our lives. We are being led astray, but we don't see it. Our faith has turned blind.

Political narratives have eroded our trust and faith, and we, as citizens, need to be careful at times and not allow complacency to set in our lives. Accepting things the way they are, and allowing yourselves to be swayed by these political narratives will prove too costly in the long run.

And as we step up to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi from tomorrow, let the Lord of Wisdom guide us on the righteous path and help us to gain a better perspective about our lives and to know our responsibility towards our fellow beings.

Accepting things the way they are, and allowing yourselves to be swayed by these political narratives will prove too costly in the long run.

Also, our political leaders must fall at Bappa's feet and seek a new perspective for a State that's facing an onslaught on its land, ethos and culture. Yes, it's time for them to look within and confront the demons that control them.

And for us, people, it's time to seek wisdom to confront our personal challenges and obstacles. It is time for us to gain strength to look at the truth before us and attain wisdom to make Goa a better place.

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