FOR TARGET AUDIENCE: It's time to tailor marketing campaigns to attract tourists who align with Goa's desired image. 

FRANKLY FRANK: Calangute is for solitude, not sleaze

Franky Gracias

Calangute, one of North Goa’s tourism hubs, makes news for all the wrong reasons. It boasts of a nightlife that attracts tourists for all the less desirable activities which have sullied the image of this once pristine beach paradise.

With large crowds and traffic jams, issues with drugs and unsavoury tourists, Calangute's cup of woes overflows during the peak season, yet it attracts travellers more for its sleaze than its coastal charm.

The morass in which this coastal attraction has fallen is reflected in an incident that occurred this week, wherein a domestic tourist was reportedly relieved of his money by two employees of a nightclub on the pretext of providing him with a girl.

After the incident came to light, the law took its course by arresting the two men involved in fleecing the tourist and sealing the nightclub. The episode can be viewed from two perspectives – the vulnerability of tourists and the issue of seeking illegal gratification.

The morass in which this coastal attraction has fallen is reflected in an incident that occurred this week, wherein a domestic tourist was reportedly relieved of his money by two employees of a nightclub on the pretext of providing him with a girl.

Not the one to take the incident lightly, Calangute Panchayat has now come up with a resolution not to allow tourists into the village without a valid hotel reservation. For this purpose, it has proposed to set up checkpoints on roads leading into Calangute.

Now, this decision of the Calangute VP will certainly raise questions over its constitutional validity as it restricts the movement of Indian citizens within the country. Also, setting up and managing checkpoints could be an expensive affair, besides being inconvenient.

Just assuming such a decision is implemented, its impact on tourism would be felt immediately. First, it will discourage people from travelling on weekends. Weekend tourists often frequent local shops, restaurants and cafes. A decrease in their numbers could hurt the livelihoods of those businesses that rely on these footfalls. So, how will the panchayat tackle this?

The incident brings to the fore the need to streamline tourism in Calangute and ‘build a brand that existed before’. This sentiment of building a brand that existed before in this once-sleepy village taps into a feeling of nostalgia.

The incident brings to the fore the need to streamline tourism in Calangute and ‘build a brand that existed before’.

Many popular tourist destinations grapple with the challenge of balancing the economic benefits of tourism while preserving their local character, and the story in Calangute is no different. So, now, what from here? Is there hope for sensible tourism?

Calangute's current brand image – likely centred around mass tourism – won't be easy to erase. A complete overhaul might be unrealistic, but, yes, open communication between the panchayat, local businesses, and residents could help as it will allow everyone to have a say in shaping the future of their village.

A suggestion for this kind of an exercise is like asking for a lot as not all human beings think alike. There will be differences, but at least problems will come to the fore making everyone aware. Also, different perspectives could lead to more comprehensive solutions.

While the unsavoury episode in Calangute emphasises the importance of responsible tourism for a healthy travel experience, social media posts are already advising travellers to avoid Calangute-Baga area for its crass tourism.

While the unsavoury episode in Calangute emphasises the importance of responsible tourism for a healthy travel experience, social media posts are already advising travellers to avoid the area for its crass tourism.

The Goa government also needs to acknowledge tourism in Calangute is not in tune with what the State is promoting. It has to take a more comprehensive approach to tourism development in Calangute to hopefully find a way to recapture some of its unique charm to attract quality tourists.

Change is inevitable, and the same is seen in Calangute. The village has changed for the worse, from what it was – its golden sands still speak of the tales of the hippie spirit now lost in time. That magic can never be recreated!

Calangute is in need of healing from the wounds that have been inflicted on it by mass tourism over the years. The healing should be the one that benefits everyone and brings back Calangute's lost glory, if not all some of it.

And tourists who come to this village, please come if you are looking for solitude and not sleaze!

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