CRISIS IN PARADISE: Largescale projects are killing Goa's unique countryside charm. (Representative pic)  

FRANKLY FRANK: A retd justice stands for Goa and its cause

Franky Gracias

Goans all across are expressing strong opposition to large-scale developmental projects that are rolling down like a tsunami wave to devour Goa's green landscape and change the demography of our traditional villages.

Allowing the construction of buildings with a capacity for 1500 flats in a single area will change our pristine villages forever. It’s disheartening to see the rapid urbanisation which threatens to alter the unique identity of Goa known as Goemkarponn.

There is a pressing need to halt the widespread sale of land, including orchard and agricultural, emphasised former chief justice of the Allahabad High Court, Ferdino Rebello, and son of the soil on Gomantak TV just two days back. He expressed deep regrets about how Goa is shaping up and heading in the 21st century.

The most prominent question is whether Goa will be Goa in the next 20 years, with the population of native Goans dwindling gradually. Once completely outnumbered, will the fight for Goemkarponn stay relevant in a changing demographic set-up?

The most prominent question is whether Goa will be Goa in the next 20 years, with the population of native Goans dwindling gradually.

In today's time, migration is a global phenomenon and one cannot stop it. In this country, everyone has the Constitutional right guaranteed to live and work anywhere. But in Goa, the way moneyed people are coming and establishing themselves is questionable.

Emotions are running high, but emotions alone cannot help us fight for the cause of our land so dear to us. We need the strong backing of the courts and also officers having the integrity to enforce the law to ensure that Goa remains Goa, a place tourists love so dearly.

The massive hill cuttings and rampant land conversions speak of a Goa that’s heading downhill. If, tomorrow, we lose our verdant hills to the onslaught of migration, what will remain of this land? There will be no Goa and no tourism; all we will have are soulless monstrosities which tourists wouldn't want to see.

People and NGOs are fighting to save whatever beautiful is left of Goa, but their battle has to be backed by law. Justice Rebello, who lives in Mumbai, has now vowed to be in Goa every month for one week to provide legal assistance to NGOs, activists and people fighting the builders' lobbies.

Justice Rebello, who lives in Mumbai, has now vowed to be in Goa every month for one week to provide legal assistance to NGOs, activists and people fighting the builders' lobbies.

He also suggested a legal cell comprising students of the two law colleges in North and South Goa. This legal cell could help people and NGOs fighting for Goa's cause without charging any money, he said.

While the man of law raised several issues that plague Goans, it is time the politician-builder nexus is exposed. However, the bigger problem is those Goans who are in league with politicians to support developments for a quick buck.

This reality stings very deeply and speaks very lowly of people who have lost their hearts and souls. This fight to save Goa will require straight-thinking Goans with integrity and not those who will betray their mother for a few pennies.

If there is anything at stake today, it is our very faith as Goans. We stand at a crossroads where the very core of our identity is being challenged. Starting from today, it is time for Goans to realise that in their unity is their power. They will not win this fight in a piecemeal fashion, but by staying united till they force those in power to stop this rot that is eating into our roots.

If there is anything at stake today, it is our very faith as Goans. We stand at a crossroads where the very core of our identity is being challenged.

In these challenging times, Rebello's commitment to Goa and Goans is a very strong statement of solidarity. He has shown he cares for his motherland so deeply, and there is no doubt he means his words.

Those fighting to save Goa now have a legal voice in him and his voluntary service symbolises people are not alone in this fight.

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