Shivani has turned her hobby into a successful career.  Gomantak Times

Shivani is more than just a Goan housewife

GT Digital


"To be happy in life, develop at least four hobbies: one to bring you money, one to keep you healthy, one to bring you joy, and one to bring you peace," advises Stan Jacobs. There have been several examples of people who have successfully converted their interests into profitable businesses. Shivani Bakre from Sankhali is one such example. 

Aditi alias Shivani Bakre, who was born in Sankhali, Goa, earned her bachelor's degree in commerce before she began her job in the banking sector. However, after a few years, she decided to stay home with her child. Throughout this time, she continued to pursue other hobby projects. 

For Shivani, baking cakes is a cakewalk.

She had honed her culinary talents and planned to market some of her homemade food items on a smaller scale. She learnt to bake at one of the hobby classes shortly before the pandemic. 

Shivani quickly acquired the skill and began baking cakes for family and friends. People liked her cakes and she started receiving more orders after which the idea of starting her own company surfaced. 

Shivani's cakes are sold under the brand name, Bakre Foods.

After around a year of taking orders for birthday parties, Shivani launched a full-fledged brand called Bakre Foods, through which she began selling cakes and food items on order. 

Shivani is skilled at cooking delectable, genuine traditional foods such as puran polimodakchakali and shev. She also supplies snacks for parties such as shev puribhel purikacchi dabeli and so on. 

Her ability to provide a wide range of culinary products has helped her business become well-known in Goa. She receives orders from both Goa and Maharashtra. 

Besides cakes, Shivani also supplies snacks and savouries for parties.

Shivani’s purument items such as masala mirchi, various masalas, pickles, jackfruit papad, and mango jackfruit sath are quite popular in Maharashtra. She was overwhelmed with the positive response she got for her food items. 

In September 2021, Shivani started a small shop called Swadistha Foods Chaat Street in Sankhali. Here she serves different chat items along with shakes and ice-creams, and also products of a brand called Swadisht. 

Home-made items prepared by Shivani.

Her products from Bakre Foods are also available at this shop. It has become a popular food corner in Sankhali, especially among the younger generation. 

While establishing her business, Shivani recognised that one of the most crucial components of running a successful business is advertising. She has Instagram and Facebook profiles where she posts her list of items. 

Although well-known for her ability to create theme cakes and particularly vegetarian desserts, Shivani saw the need for a centralised platform to promote her culinary products. As a result, she began staging exhibitions throughout festival seasons. 

The idea was to create a forum for other businesses to promote their wares. Her concept was a success, and she has been hosting similar events regularly for the past four years. Entrepreneurs from all across Goa participate in these exhibitions. It is one of the most popular exhibitions in Sankhali.

Shivani claims that beginning this business has radically transformed her life. Today, she accepts orders for a group of 50 to 60 individuals, which has been made possible by her family's tremendous support. 

Her husband fully supports her in operating the business. She admits that she never imagined her pastime would evolve into such a successful company and is pleased with her accomplishment.

Shivani Bakre is the perfect example of a housewife turning her passion and abilities into a profitable business. Her pleasant demeanour, eloquence and consistency in quality have all contributed to her success. She is indeed an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs. 

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