Fr Pio Furtado and Elijah D'Souza will be conducting the workshop on February 26th. Gomantak Times
Things to Do

Attend this workshop if you want a greener Goa

Iris Gomes

After holding its first workshop after COVID in October 2022, the Green Club, Goa, is set to conduct an outdoor workshop on February 26, 2023, between 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm at Fr Agnelo School, Pilar.

The topics will be “Waste management” by the headmaster of Fr Agnelo School Fr Pio Furtado and “Vermicomposting” by Elijah D'Souza.

People will learn about vermicomposting at the workshop.

Other highlights will be how to prepare fish enzyme, which is excellent for plant growth, and tips on organic gardening.

Seeds (including black rice), saplings and organic produce (vegetables, honey, sugarcane, etc) will be available.

Waste management is essential in this day and age.

The Green Club, Goa, was founded on May 14, 2014, the realisation of a dream of an enterprising, dynamic lady Suman Kurade.

Originally from Miramar but based in Delhi, Suman endeavoured to spread her message by picking names at random from a seminar she had conducted and inviting them all for a meeting. Thus the Green Club, Goa, was born.

The founder members were exposed to a series of 3 workshops. The first was held by Karan and Yogita of Green Essentials on soil preparation, techniques of growing vegetables and composting.

The next workshop was a demonstration and lecture on hydroponics by Madhav Kelkar, the farm superintendent of Ela Farm, Old Goa.

The third workshop on soil and plants was conducted by Peter Fernandes and Rosie from Assagao.

The founder members could now envisage the goal of near self-sufficiency in producing healthy ad chemical-free vegetables and herbs for personal consumption.

Some of the objectives of the club, put down by Suman are to promote kitchen gardens; to provide facilities to members with regard to seeds, manure, tools, lectures, exhibitions, seminars and demonstrations; to encourage scientific methods of growing plants and so on. The club was registered on April 20, 2018.

The workshop on February 26, 2023, by the Green Club, Goa, will also have live demonstrations that will help people recollect and use the waste management and vermicomposting techniques they learn more effectively.

There will be a fee of Rs 300 per person, and pre-registration is compulsory as seats are limited.

For pre-registration, please contact 9860262953/9420685982.

WHERE: Fr Agnelo School, Pilar

WHEN: February 26, 2023, between 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm

FEES: Rs 300

CONTACT: 9860262953/9420685982

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