NEW IN TOWN: The Blue Brick Wall Café and Beer Bar at Panjim is a haven for café-goers.
NEW IN TOWN: The Blue Brick Wall Café and Beer Bar at Panjim is a haven for café-goers.  Photo: Roxanne D'silva
Places to Eat

From brews to blues, The Blue Brick Wall, in Panjim, is more than a cafe

Abigail Crasto

The melodious voice of John Lennon singing, ‘Imagine all the people, living for today’ softly played in the background, as people sipped their black coffees, some deep in conversation, others engaged in morning reading.

It’s not even six short months, but The Blue Brick Wall Café and Beer Bar, in Miramar, has become an inviting space, driving away the blues of café-goers, with regulars vouching for the hospitality that keeps them returning.

“So this place, well, let’s say it wasn’t planned. It was more instinctual from the heart,” smiled Kishore Thukral, owner of The Blue Brick Wall Café and Beer Bar, whose love for coffee was evident as he poured himself a little cup of coffee and got to describing his space.

“I’ve never been in a business of any kind. Our chef, Anjali Khosla, who’s my business partner here, is an untrained chef. So, we are both completely untrained in this field,” he added.

The two have been friends and have always loved meets at cafés over coffee sips and decided to create a space they could call their own.

BEHIND THE CAFE: Kishore Thukral poses with a cold black coffee.

Their passion is clearly evident. Being a financial planner, published writer and photographer, Thukral has added a personal touch with his own photographs hanging across the café.

The space is designed by his daughter, who had asked him to describe the café in one word, before starting off.

Thukral, keen to make the café stand out in the universe of cafes and restaurants in Goa, had quickly replied ‘Cheerful’, just like Carl Sagan described the earth as a pale blue dot.

“Initially, I thought I’d name it (café) a pale blue dot, but then, there could be copyright issues.” Ultimately, the café got its name from the very vibrant blue bricked wall at the café.

CAPTURE THE MOMENT: The café got its name from the vibrant blue brick wall.

Describing what people can come and munch on at the café Thukral said, “The menu is curated by Anjali. It’s basically a fast food café like burgers salads, sandwiches and stuff you go to the café and you might want to eat."

"The most elaborate thing is the shepherd’s pie which isn’t much available around here,” he added.

ON THE MENU: Apart from coffee and beer, there are burgers and other items to munch on at the café.

Located along the bustling Dayanand Bandodkar Road that leads to Miramar beach, the café is a two-storey (ground plus one floor) property with an outdoor sitting area. It has a book corner, stocked with magazines and novels.

“We decided that we also wanted to do many more things at the café. The beer idea came and a minibar was added to it. But, we always wanted to have screens to show games,” Thukral confesses.

MINI LIBRARY: The book corner at the café.

Today, the café plays host to at least three to four programmes a month that range from movie screenings, lectures, talks, literary evenings, book readings and art and poetry workshops.

“In just over a period of less than three months, we have a burgeoning broadcast group of 410 or 415 members. People ask to join the group so that they can be notified, and whoever comes, I ask, 'Are you ready to do a talk on something. Tell me what you do',” he laughs.

As such, the café has become the epicentre of a community that shares interests, stories, coffee and lots of laughter. Thukral has been living in Goa for over two years now, but has been coming to Goa since 1984.

“I remember the road between Miramar circle and Dona Paula circle didn’t exist. Coming to Panjim meant you came through darkness. Over time, I’ve seen buildings coming up and everything coming up, the latest being this café.”

FOR COFFEE AND MORE: A few metres from Miramar beach, the café is a great hangout spot.

The café starts operations at 10 am and goes on till midnight.

“Our kitchens shut at midnight, but our bar shuts at 11 pm because we have a licence permit for that. If people are sitting, we never ask them to leave. We never switch off the lights as long as there’s someone sitting. We wait for them to take pity on us,” smiles Thukral emptying his coffee cup.


WHERE: The Blue Brick Wall Café, Dayanand Bandodkar Marg, Miramar, Panjim

TIMINGS: 10 am to midnight


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