LATIN TRADITION: Tenebrae service being carried out in a church.  Photo: Gomantak Times
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Tenebrae: A Lenten practice long forgotten in Goa

GT Digital


Goa has some rich Latin traditions, brought in by the Portuguese. The period of Lent had various traditions and customs, which assisted in leading the congregation into a spiritual space to help the faithful dwell in the sacred aura created amidst the enchanting church spaces.

One such traditional practice, now extinct in Goa, is that of the service in the church involving darkness.

Tenebrae (meaning 'darkness' or 'shadows') is the morning prayer of the church on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. It involves extinguishing candles one by one as Christ goes through His Passion.

Late Fr Conçeicão D’Silva had earlier said, "During the three days leading up to Easter, also known as the Sacred Triduum, Matins and Lauds are combined together in a special way, and with ancient rubrics, forming Tenebrae."

LET THERE BE LIGHT: Tenebrae candle stand with candles.

"Throughout the history of the Church, Tenebrae was not said in the morning, but in the evening prior, in anticipation of the day to come," said Fr Conçeicão.

"The old rubrics do not dictate a specific time, only that it be done ‘after the hour of Vespers’, but traditionally, it was sung so that the end would arrive close to midnight, and the completion of the service would be in total darkness,” he added.

But, this changed in the reform of the Holy Week ceremonies by Pope Pius XII in 1955.

Good Friday’s liturgy was traditionally moved to the sacred hour of Our Lord’s death, and the Easter Vigil was moved from Holy Saturday morning to the night time.

“The three major liturgies of the Sacred Triduum had been performed during the morning hours. But, after this reform, the ceremonies of Maundy Thursday were moved to evening (usually around 6pm),” late Fr Carmo Martins had earlier told me.

"Good Friday’s liturgy was traditionally moved to the sacred hour of Our Lord’s death, and the Easter Vigil was moved from Holy Saturday morning to the night time, immediately preceding the Mass at midnight,” Fr Carmo mentioned.

"This allowed for the Office of Tenebrae to be performed in the early morning of the day, instead of the night before, or with the 1955 revision of Holy Week, Tenebrae might have disappeared,” said Fr Carmo.

The ceremony of Tenebrae is similar during each of the three days. During the first (Matins) part, there are three nocturnes, each with three Psalms, a versicle and response, the Pater Noster and readings.

During the second (Lauds) section, one will hear five Psalms, a versicle and response, and the Benedictus Canticle, which is the song of thanksgiving given by Zachariah upon the occasion of the circumcision of his son, John the Baptist.

Following this, another Pater, and a reflection on the death of Our Lord, Respice quaesumus.

The rubric is fascinating. In earlier times, the church would of course, be in near-darkness, since the Office didn’t begin until about 9pm. The only light traditionally came from the Tenebrae hearse (a large triangular candle holder). This was placed in the choir, with 15 lit candles representing the nine Psalms of matins and the five of lauds.

Some locations use beige candles for all except the top candle, which symbolises Our Lord Jesus Christ. After each of the Psalms – nine for Matins and five for Lauds – the bottom-most candle is extinguished, alternating sides.

Not only does this rubric slowly bring the church closer to complete darkness, and the time in the Office when the death of Our Lord is commemorated, but it provides a stark visual that Our Lord is slowly, but surely left alone in the darkness of the world, fraught with sin.

At the end of the final lesson, the final candle is removed by a server or cleric, and hidden behind a curtain or the altar, signifying the burial of Our Lord in the tomb.

A noise is made, symbolizing the earthquake at the Crucifixion.

In some locations, the celebrant simply slams his book shut, and in others, the clerics and congregation knock on their pews for a time. The candle is finally extinguished, and replaced on the hearse.

The Office comes to an abrupt end, without the usual blessing. The clergy and the faithful leave the church in silence, without any hymn being sung.

“While the majority of the ceremonies of the Catholic Church are joyous and celebratory, Tenebrae stands in stark contrast,” the late sacristan of the Basilica de Bom Jesus, Old Goa, Ashburn Lyndon Pereira had said to me.

Even the ceremonies of Holy Thursday and Good Friday contain some consolation. On Holy Thursday, the altar of repose is decorated, and we can keep company with Christ.

On Good Friday, the crucifixes are finally unveiled, and we can kiss the feet of Christ, and receive Him in the Eucharist. But, Tenebrae is sorrowful, from beginning to end, complete with darkness, earthquake, and Christ symbolically hidden from our view.

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