IN THE DETAILS: Intricate and precise, Orijit's illustrations leave no details behind.  Photo: Team Mapusa Mogi
Art & Culture

Orijit Sen to dedicate mural showcasing his love for Mapusa

Katia Goes

Orijit Sen’s love affair with Mapusa is no secret even if he isn't shouting it out from roof tops. For him, love is quiet – the kind where he silently walks down the streets of Mapusa while she pretends that she’s never noticed how he stares. Of course, Mapusa knows him, but not even close to how much time he has spent getting to know her.

Sometimes, love is hidden in plain sight. And it is only once you peer in closer that you will notice that most times, the quietest love screams the loudest.

MAN BEHIND THE MURAL: Orijit Sen, Indian graphic designer, muralist and cartoonist.

Living in Goa for nearly 25 years, Orijit Sen, a graphic designer, muralist and cartoonist, fell in love with Goa years ago but there was one place in particular that stole his heart and has it even to this day - the cacophonic, yet charming city of Mapusa.

Connections are the essence of life. “I’ve had a long connection with Mapusa,” begins the Indian artist.

“When I first moved to Goa, we used living in the village of Corjuem in North Goa. I still remember visiting Mapusa every week, sometimes even multiple times a week because you could get literally everything that you needed for life and work in Mapusa,” he explains.

Over a period of time, Mapusa has become a well of inspiration for Orijit.

“I started the ‘Mapping Mapusa Market’ project back in 2013 when I was invited to be a visiting professor by the Goa University. I then decided to explore Mapusa and reveal its interesting historical, commercial and cultural aspects to the students. Little did I know of the other exciting adventures that this beautiful city had in store for me,” he smiles while his specs practice the art of balancing on the bridge of his nose as he looks down to illustrate his latest project, Mapusa Mogi.

IT'S IN THE LOGO: The logo, which is a part of the ongoing Mapusa Mogi project.

The Mapusa Mogi mural project is an ongoing community centric public art project that will be located in the city of Mapusa. The project, which is currently a work in progress, will be a large and very detailed ceramic mural on a 100 meters long and 8 meters high wall located in the parking lot of Saint Jerome’s Church, overlooking the busy streets of Mapusa city.

“Its scale and scope is ambitious as it seeks to represent the past, present and the potential future of this historic market town,” explains the artist, himself. 

TRUST THE PROCESS: Orijit is working on the project along with other like-minded people.


When translated, the word, Mogi means ‘lover,’ in the local language of Konkani, thus making Mapusa Mogi a project for all the people who love Mapusa and all that it stands for.

“It refers to the entire community of people who live in Mapusa and work in and out of Mapusa. And, of course, people who visit it on a regular basis. It’s an inclusive term rather than trying to define it as belonging to one place. This project is for people who are inspired by Mapusa and for people who have a deep connection with it regardless of where they’re from,” says Orijit.

CERAMIC WONDERS: The Mapusa Mogi project will feature the vibrant city of Mapusa in all its glory.

Apart from this, he has also displayed his art projects in Delhi, Punjab, Hyderabad and various other places.

His recent exhibit of the work in progress of the Mapusa Mogi project had been displayed at the Goa Open Arts Festival where Orijit hoped to get a positive response from the Goan audience. And rightly enough – they were all smiles!

Working with a team of artists, the first step of any project is research. And that is exactly what Orijit did.

“We got along with a research team headed by Gurpreet Sidhu, my wife who I have worked with over the years. Through the process of researching, we have begun to draw different aspects of the life of Mapusa. We are also working with other artists and designers,” he explains his work pattern. 

LITTLE BY LITTLE: Orijit has been blessed with a team of skilled people to help him execute the project.

Hurdles are part and parcel of a big scale project like this.

“It is a big responsibly to create quality artwork for a city like Mapusa. I know that once we finish it and it is installed, it will slowly become a landmark in itself but my biggest concern is doing justice to the project and trying my best to express what Mapusa is all about,” he expresses, while also extending his gratitude to the Church of Saint Jerome in Mapusa that has given him the creative freedom to do what he does best.

FROM PAPER TO CERAMIC: The project will be carefully installed in Mapusa city.

“Explaining the concept and getting permission from the church took a bit of time and convincing, but it all worked out in the end,” he sighs in relief.

As for the order of business, “what starts off with a simple stroke of pencil on paper, later gets scanned and taken into the digital space, after which we will move the design onto ceramics and work on scaffolds as we install the whole project on the wall, piece by piece,” he says.

As per Orijit, the project will take an approximate time of six to eight months to be fully assembled.

SKETCHING IT OUT: The project will be assembled in the months to come.

It’s true, sometimes the quietest love screams the loudest. And if you think a picture speaks a thousand words, try staring at Orijit’s declaration of love that just happens to be 100 meters long and 8 meters high mural.

Once clueless, Mapusa now knows the name of her not-so-secret mogi – “Orijit Sen,” she blushes.  

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