Meet Samuel Fernandes, a talented 11th grader who enjoys the circus arts. 
Art & Culture

Not just hats and balls, this Goan lad juggles school and showbiz, too

Fr Carlos Luis

Gone are the days when the circus used to be fun, magical and mesmerising.

But, here is Samuel Fernandes, a student of the eleventh standard from St Thomas Higher Secondary School in Aldona, North Goa, who displays his skills in juggling, unicycling and stilt walking in spectacular performances.

Samuel has been passionate about performing circus arts since 2018, and has developed skills in juggling various objects, including balls, clubs, rings, hats and diabolos.

He also excels in unicycling, balancing on a single wheel and stilt walking, which requires balance and coordination. 

Samuel performs alongside his brother Samson and father Savio, who runs the event company, 'Ultimate Party Entertainers'. Despite his academic pursuits, Samuel is dedicated to honing his skills and entertaining people.

Samuel performing alongside his brother, Samson.

Asked about his inspiration to get into circus arts, he says, “I’ve always been fascinated by the world of circus arts and performance. My inspiration came from my family, especially my father and my brother, who played a significant role in nurturing my interest in these activities."

"As an event planner, my dad was frequently involved in organizing events and shows, which exposed me to the world of entertainment from a young age," he continues.

Samuel has always found circus arts fascinating.

"My dad encouraged my brother and me to explore our interests and develop our skills. We motivated each other to practice and improve our abilities. It’s been a fantastic experience,” he adds.

It takes certain abilities, such as balance, patience, attention and hand-eye coordination, to succeed in circus arts. Growing up, Samuel was fascinated by the magic, entertainment and skill of circus performances, which showcased a blend of artistry and athleticism.

Samuel captivates the audience with his unicycling skills.

Samuel also finds circus arts fascinating, offering physical challenges, mental engagement and the thrill of performing in front of an audience, bringing joy and entertainment.

To display fantabulous magic skills, one needs practice, and Samuel says, “I dedicate a significant amount of time to practise my skills. The amount of practice varies depending on factors like my school schedule, upcoming performances and personal goals."

On average, Samuel aims to practice at least 1 to 2 hours a day during the school week, and more during weekends or school breaks.

Speaking about a memorable incident, he said it was definitely his first show.

“I was a bit nervous, but the crowd’s positive response and applause filled me with a sense of accomplishment. It was a special moment that encouraged me to continue performing,” Samuel says.

Samuel stilt walking during an event.

Samuel creates a structured schedule for studying and practising, prioritising his education. He completes his homework, and studies for exams before dedicating time to practice, and uses school breaks and weekends to focus on circus skills.

He says, “Balancing the time needed for practice, performances and schoolwork can be challenging. Juggling my academic responsibilities with the demands of my art requires careful planning and prioritisation."

"There are times when the academic workload can be quite intense, especially during exams and assignments. Managing this pressure while also preparing for performances can be stressful,” he shares.

Nevertheless, Samuel agrees that the most rewarding part of circus arts is “the ability to bring joy and entertainment to others while experiencing personal growth."

"The smiles, laughter and applause from the audience during and after a performance are incredibly rewarding. Knowing that I’ve been able to entertain and brighten someone’s day is a truly gratifying experience,” he adds.

Samuel showcases his skills with absolute finesse.

Samuel says that the best advice he has received is, “to enjoy the journey as much as the destination.”

Samuel has a routine that he follows before a performance. He explains it saying, “I start with a thorough warm-up to prepare my muscles and joints. This typically includes stretching, light cardio and some practice with my props or equipment to get in the right physical condition."

"I take a few minutes to thank the Lord for the opportunity I’ve got to perform in front of so many people and to give my best performance,” Samuel mentions.

Samuel believes one must enjoy the journey as much as the destination.

Encouraging young friends who would be interested in circus arts, he says, “Follow your passion, pursue it with dedication and enthusiasm. Your passion will be your driving force. Practice is the key to improvement. Invest time and effort in honing your skills."

He also advises, "Be patient with yourself, as mastery takes time and consistent effort. Set goals, stay committed to your practice and keep pushing your limits."

With dedication and a love for what you do, you can achieve great heights. So, follow your passion, and stay committed, he explains.

He adds that he is thankful for the love that he has received and says, “Performing has been a significant part of my life, and I hope that my journey and passion for juggling, unicycling and stilt walking have provided some inspiration and encouragement to those who aspire to pursue their own passions."

"Remember that life is a continuous journey of learning and growth and it’s essential to find what truly ignites your spirit and brings you joy. Follow your heart, stay persistent, and enjoy the process,” he advises.

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