'Saibinn Maim Chuklim Ami' is the latest tiatr from Dominic Fernandes. Photo: Gomantak Times
Art & Culture

Goa tiatr review: ‘Saibinn Maim Chuklim Ami’, a test of faith

Mario Pires

Being lured by money and monetary gains, many Catholics have given up their faith, today, and joined different sects. They have moved away from their religion and found solace in other groups.

Such a move has resulted in doom for many staunch believers, resulting in a gradual comeback.  

Kuwait-based Dominic Fernandes recently released his new tiatr, Saibinn Maim Chuklim Ami, which carries a good concept and a lesson to carry home. The drama focuses on those who have left the Catholic faith, and during their journey of life, have joined other sects owing to monetary gains.


The story is about Savio (Savio Rodrigues), his wife Alora (Alora), and their only daughter Analee (Jones). Analee is very talented and good at singing, and her father wants for her to rise up like a rock star.

A scene from 'Saibinn Maim Chuklim Ami', the latest tiatr from Dominic Fernandes.

The family is well-to-do financially and devout Catholics. But, a youth, Walter (Alister), who is unemployed, is in touch with Analee and desires her, by hook or crook.

News about this love affair reaches Savio via Lino (Lino), who frequently visits the family.

Savio is shocked and cannot believe it. He questions Analee, and when she confesses, Savio cannot take it any longer and passes away following a massive heart attack.

Meanwhile, feeling dejected and depressed due to unemployment, Walter encounters Costy Rose (Xavier de Maina), who belongs to a different sect. He assures Walter of all possible help, provided he joins his group.

As a devout Catholic, Walter is reluctant, initially, but when Costy Rose assures Walter of a free flat and all the other add-ons, he obliges. Taking advantage of this victorious situation, Walter comes to Analee’s place to propose to her.

A scene from 'Saibinn Maim Chuklim Ami', the latest tiatr from Dominic Fernandes.

Analee’s mom, Alora, questions Walter about his family and business. He bluntly confesses that he is unemployed. She warns her daughter to stay away from Walter.

But, Walter forcibly takes Analee away from her mother. What follows next is worth the watch during the second half of the drama.


All the artistes have given their best performances on stage. Savio and Alora are good as guardians on stage. But, as an artiste, the former’s acting skills could have been tapped further on stage.

Jones and Alister are good as lovebirds. Xavier de Maina and Priscila play opposite roles and give their best. The latter explains how Christianity has grown over the years and how one must remain true to his/her religion and the faith of the ancestors.

In the comic acts, there’s comedian Lino taking along with him Piety, Lanesa and Manisha for some comedy pills.

In the category of songs, there are good renditions to enjoy throughout the show. The opening song is rendered by Gracy, followed by solos from Dominic Fernandes, Xavier Gomes, Marcus Vaz, Priscila, Savio Rodrigues and Rons.

A solo on tiatr by Aniceto is worth listening to. There are other songs by Xavier/Priscila/Piety, Xavier/Marcus/Aniceto, Savio/Gracy. Christo and his band members – Christo (trumpet), Megan (second trumpet), Royd (drums), Mikies (keyboard), Jose (bass) – have provided good live music off stage.

Mikies has also assisted with the background music.

Anthony de Ambaji has assisted with the stage sets while AP Rojols has handled the lights effectively.

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