The tiatr, 'Mhozo Daddy', has been penned and directed by comedian Myron. Photo: Gomantak Times
Art & Culture

Goa tiatr review: Poor boy meets rich girl in ‘Mhozo Daddy’

Mario Pires

Mhozo Daddy, a tiatr penned and directed by comedian Myron, has a tale to relate, focusing on the sacrifices made by the head of a family towards. But unfortunately, it has nothing to do with the title!

The concluding scene helps the director to step forward to unveil the fact that his father, the late comedian Selvy, always desired to see his son excel on the tiatr stage as a comedian and singer.


The story revolves around Andrew (Trinidade), who is a bus driver, who works hard every day to support his poor family. His spouse Carmin (Roma) is a housewife, and on account of spinal problems, cannot carry out any household work.

Taking note of his wife’s disability, Andrew works hard to make ends meet, and shoulders all the responsibilities single-handedly. He tries to keep Carmin happy in every possible way.

Andrew and Carmin’s only son Vilban (Vilban) is pursuing his studies, and he wishes to become an IPS officer.

A scene from the tiatr, 'Mhozo Daddy'.

To fulfill his only son’s dream, Andrew toils day and night to assist him financially. On the sly, Vilban is in love with Zia (Antonette de Maina), who comes from a rich family.

In order to avoid losing Zia, Vilban refuses to disclose the status of his family to her. Instead, he fabricates stories and informs Zia that his father is a big businessman. But over a period of time, the truth comes to light through a close friend of Vilban.

Zia cannot stand lies, and is furious to learn about Vilban’s gimmicks. One fine day, she drops into his home and confronts Vilban’s poor parents, making a mockery of them both.

Zia bluntly dumps Vilban and walks away. Carmin makes every effort to console her only son, but leaving a note behind, Vilban also walks away from his parents.

Will Vilban become an IPS officer? Will his dad manage to face the financial crisis and assist him? What is Zia’s fate? The second half of the drama unveils the answers to all these queries.

The tiatr 'Mhozo Daddy' has been directed by comedian Myron.


Performance-wise, Trinidade and Roma excel as guardians on stage, and are ably assisted by Vilban and Antonette de Maina.

Maythan and Rioma Menezes make a cameo as a friend and police officer respectively.

For laughter pills, comedian Myron, Richard, Ambe, Raymond and Melanie try to entertain with a good dose of comedy. Sadly, vulgarity continues on the Konkani stage, which needs to be curtailed by all means in order to maintain the sanctity of the stage.

For the listening pleasure of the audience, there is Antonette de Maina on stage for the opening song, followed by solos from Maythan, Everlyn, Lawry Travasso, Roma, Rioma, Fr Ashliff Correia.

There are also songs by Maythan, Rioma and Vilban; Lawry and Rioma; Antonette de Maina and Saby de Divar.

A political solo by Saby de Divar and a song by comedians Richard and Myron receive encores. Nolvert and his musical team – Jovan (trumpet), Siban (bass), Arif (keyboard), Jack (drums) have provided good live music. The keyboardist has also assisted with the background music.

The stage sets have been by Anthony de Ambaji, while Dinesh has handled the light effects.

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