Goa is one of the most visited tourist destinations in India.  Photo: Gomantak Times

For the Goa trip that finally made it out of the group chat

Katia Goes

Goa plans may seem like a piece of cake, but the reality of it all sets in only once you sit down, put pen to paper and start planning.

Sure, every member of the group chat is specialised in their own field – Vikram may be great at finding the best hotel deals, and Saakshi knows which days are the best to bag the cheapest flight deals. But, the last time we checked, a little help killed no one.

Here is a list of things to strike off the to-do-list for your Goa trip that is finally making its way out of the group chat.


Goa is beautiful all year round, but you can always pick the best time to visit, based on your personal preferences.

If festivals fascinate you, then researching about Goa’s local festivals will help you plan your travel dates such that you are guaranteed a seat at the festival.

Similarly, if trekking and the greener side of life is your thing, then visiting Goa during the pitter patter of the monsoons will rejuvenate your soul and make you fall deeper in love with life. We promise!

Goa is beautiful all year round, but you can always pick the best time to visit, based on your personal preferences.


A well-budgeted trip is always the aim, however if you do plan on splurging and spoiling yourself on this trip, then you sure deserve it!

The only thing to keep in mind is to making sure that the people accompanying you are on the same page about the expectations from the trip.

The best way to avoid any conflict is clear communication, and coming to a healthy conclusion about the different activities that you and your friends might have planned for the trip.

Avoid the risk of disappointment or quarrels and remember, the goal is to leave as friends and return as best friends, not vice versa.


Lucky for you, Goa is well connected via air, road, rail and sea. So, it’s up to you to pick the mode of transport of your choice. Keep in mind that a vacation is not just about the destination, but the journey as well.

Select the most feasible mode of transport by calculating the time you will spend travelling, your level of comfort, budget and the availability of transport from the pickup and drop off points.


The last-minute thrill is generally short-lived.

Unless you are one of those people who have good luck in their DNA and have always had everything work out for them, it may not be the best idea to wait until the last minute to book hotels or homestays in Goa considering that this tourist haven already has queues of people lining up for the best room in town.


Planning in advance saves a ton of time. Make a list of the things you wish to do during your visit to Goa so that you do not waste time from the days off that you worked so hard to collect.

Goa has a plentitude of activities to engage in, but if you’re tired and the only thing on your itinerary is relaxation, rejuvenation and an attempt to find yourself again, then remember – that’s okay, too!

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